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Showing posts from June, 2022

Which Essential Oils Are Perfect For Lips?

Because the lips are one of the most delicate regions of the body, you should always be cautious when selecting components for homemade lip balms. Essential oils are a popular ingredient in lip balms, but not all essential oils are suitable to use on your lips. Some oils, like peppermint oil, are cooling to the lips, while others, like lavender oil, are comforting to the skin. This blog post will discuss what essential oils to avoid and which essential oils are great for your next DIY lip balm creation. Which Essential Oils Are OK For Use On The Lips? Now that you know which oils should not be used in a DIY lip balm, let's look at which ones contain CBG benefits . Remember that essential oils are normally used in very tiny doses and are dangerous if not properly diluted. As a general rule, start with a few drops and add more as needed in your lip balm formulation. Here are the finest essential oils for lips to use in your next batch of lip balm:  Ø     Orange Essen...